Today aftter studying Maths in my school, i meet my gong zu at Plaza Singapora. We watched "Money Not Enough 2".
Time still ealry,we walking around the shopping center and take pictures.

Is it nice? I can be a pro camera-man,keke~ No lah, is my gong zu look pretty,so no matter hw i take,still look great...

We took alot of times, only this look good.

we secretly taken this picture inside a vintage shop.

At 1st, i do not know how to take picture of the lights and my gong zu,then anyhow shoot,keke~ This picture is re-shoot after my gong zu help me. Then i stand at the angle of where she stand.

My gong zu just shoot me with her way,wah~ She shot better than me sia..

Suggested my gong zu to take this sheep with her. *Twist again*

Me still love to take funny picture,kaka..(dig his nose)

Gong zu wana make "pa-jiao" picture with the sheep. so cute na!
Before we went into the cinema,saw this advertisment of "Wall.E". both them are so cute.

Wondering why Eve is like laughing at him..

My gong zu suddenly like become his gf liao,keke~

Couple picture

Both act cute post

Point here & there

Me become the "LightBulb".