Visit my Ssg Steven & Sgt Bobby at career fair at my homwtown...
Visit my Ssg Steven & Sgt Bobby at career-fair at my homwtown...
My hometown. I have being living there for abt 13 years..

The left & center Equipments(rescue equip) which tat i had learnt in my Unit.

My 2 handsome regulars. haha~~~

I'm part of them too.. haha~~

Tis stall is my fav stall when i'm still livin at Beach Rd.The uncle onli rem my elderest bro onli..

Wah~ The toilet at the hawker center, is si nice sia, seems like a Hotel's toilet.

Tis is my old hse's dwnstair.Kana fire b4,coz gt ppl anyhw throw cigettle.Haha~ when i take tis pic, my dear dear sudd walk past..

Tis is my Pri sch field.I'm famous in tis field, cos i'm a top-fast-runner,alot of memories...

Tis drain(bside SIR building) gt student die b4, cos jus wana gt his soccer-ball back.I oso free my 4 turtles into tis big drain too..
Went to Far East after that...
It's reali quite look like Raffles Place hor?

These display reali look very cute & real, so jus take pic of them jus outside FarEast...