Tis is e wrds tat printed at Jolin's poster. E poster reali too big. Like e wrds of e meaning.

Tis is e back of e Jolin DVD cover. Tis Jolin DVD id pre-launch sale,we waited abt 2-3 months,e DVD den release fr HMV. Waited until we "Do-Lan!"... "Bt gd tis always haf to waited",tis is my laopo said to me and i agreed,keke...

I bought tis Hello Kitty HP-KeyChain 4 my Dar Kitty,which when u press it's face,it'll sound "Muack~Muack~ I LOVE YOU!". She oso bought 1 for me too.

Tis is my nephew,Kenneth. His size is reali XS loh, den i gif him wear a XL shirt to wear,Cute hor? Haha~ Bt he abit shy while takin him pic..

When i stydin,i heard alot of noise fr outside my hse,den i'm shocked tt tis big heavy "metal head" is mpovin infront of me! I tot it goin 2wards me sia.

My block is upgarding, constructin lift wif every floor. Nxt time dun nd to climb staircase liao,keke~

When i lookin dwn, tis big stuff reali very near me seh.. *Hope faster finish e construction,so can stp e noise & all e dust flyin in2 my hse*

On e 22/06/07,due 2 my hse environment too noisy,went 2 my clzmate,Martien's hse to study wif him.He live in a Condo,tis is his room.