Today is my last paper of exam,Electric Circuit. Me meet my classmates at school to revise. The group involved Qien,Shawn,Jin Sheng,Dilip,Melvin,PeiYuan,Martin,Malik and the 3 classmates chinese gals joined us durin afternoon.

When i revising half way,i saw Shawn hugging William sia,then i ask them to pause and let me take a picture of them. What a Gay sia,keke~

We rest awhile and play card game. 1 of the round, i could get this type of good card again sia.. But not as good as the previous cards that i blogged.
After my paper,i meet my laopo at City Hall MRT station. I meet her late,as she release earlier than me. So pai seh,i thought i can finish my exam paper early. We went to Marina Square,Yoshinoya,to have our dinner,using a special offer coupon. While we on the day to the restruant,we saw my dar dar's ex-classmate,we saw her holding another gal's hand...
After our dinner,we jalan jalan at Marina Square,half way,there's a guy approaching us and told us that he saw me and ask me whether i interested in product model and then next time got chances to become artiste,like Fiona Xie. This is my 1st time got people approach me about that. But i rejected it,becourse i'm not interested,keke... The Website is : "".
We actually want to go Fullerton Hotel there,but the weather suddenly change,showering,then we decided to go back to my dar dar house. On the way walkin at esplnande,we saw this cutie dog drawing on the wall,so cute,it's look like Corgi Breed: