12/10/07 - 15/10/07 was our first trip together,
where were we off to? Bintan!!!
Okok..we got lotsa comments saying that there
doesn't have anything to play & it's not fun at
all, blahblahblah
But guess what, we're not a normal couple & we
had a blast!!! You'll only enjoy Bintan if you're
like us, who love each others company a lot till
there's no need for words, enjoy having afternoon
naps, basically just chill, chit-chat, rest & relaxe
wif one another... & the beach!!!
The view is so damn nice!!! The sand is damn fine &
the sun is damn sunny =P
Our trip begin on 12/10/07 woke up at 0430am
to get prepare to go Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal.
Went out of the house @ 0515am but reach the
terminal @ around 0720am we were around 10mins
Coz we actually hafta reach there 1hr 30mins earlier
to have our luggage check-in. *Being the Miss On Time,
basically i was frustrated, coz i hate to rush!* But glad we
arrive late, coz there's no need to wait around too long
before we're able to board the boat!!!

The Departure Hall ^-^

Early in the morning,i make my dar dar angry,keke...

US cam whoring*Early in the morning*

This is the ferry we took. We are on the highest

In the middle of the sea.Guess what,we were able to listen to FM933 till we reach Bintan then lost connection Power sia! WooHoo~!

We waiting for the boat to start engine. Too bad,we are not allow to go to the top deck.(which can go out to view the sea.

We take a free shutler bus to Bintan Resort. Gt big buses & mini-bus.

On the way to resort......

Saw these structures.....

The weather at there so nice sia, love the cloudes overthere...

Doen't it looks like cow sign??

We reached there,this is the lobby.

My artistic pic,keke~

Every breakfast will be eating at this "Kopi-O".

It's buffet breakfast! Shiok~

We were siting in more further,because we got daily buffet breakfast.

The basin is so special,the water will flow out from thje fish tap.

Our room number-2101.
We reach Bintan @ 0850am which was
actually 0750am @ Bintan, yep they're
actually 1hr behind of us.. Hmm, which
make us feel like we earn extra 1hr ^^
When we reach the hotel, we hafta wait 1hr
for them to extra prepare the room & make
sure that nothing was amiss for us before we
were given the key ^-^

View from when we opened the door.

Our bed... Look at the bed & design! Nice man~

Bathroom's cover service.

Our bathtub...

Different type of alcohol in the fridge.

The cupboard

The cupboard included safety-box.

Small teaspoons,muds,tea & coffee is provided.

Drinks in the fridge. $5 min/normal soft drink.

Plastma TV.(Inclueded SCV channel & Singapore channel)

View at our balcony.

The 2nd day,i found this big insect at the balcony.

View from the balcony.(face-sea)

We bought alot of tibits from Singapore.

The 1st day we went to the beach.

The scenery really very nice,the sky is so blue.

Our 1st picture we took at the beach.

My Kitty laopo did it for me~! Thanks alot dar dar!

Haha, my love quite not balance,kaka~

Guess which is mine & which one is my laopo de?

Hehe,me nothing to do. I ask my laopo to put her leg up on the table & i took the picture.

In our own world~!

Previously high-tide then suddenly low-tide. Singapore wun happen to see this.

After our swims. My dar dar still look pretty,but me ugly sia...

Was happily collecting seashells from the shallow sea water,
we were actually competing wif each other to see who can
collect the most seashell.. My laopo was actually winning & was surprise
to see an extra big sea shell *exclaiming to herself how pretty it was*
But to her horror!!! Sudd,saw something crawling out of the shell,
look closely at all the other shells she was holding, something was moving!
The next natural move, dar dar scream & throw all the seashells she collected
back into the sea. Scrambling away from her spot *worried it will come
towards her if she stayed there* to a nearby Da Tou(me) who was looking blurry
at her. *noticing lotsa ppl staring* Then she was pushing my hands making
me drop all my seashells. Not knowing why she did that for.
I raised my voice saying : "Oei, y u make me drop all the shells, scare u cant
win me huh?" Dar dar being still horrified, couldnt seem to find the correct words.
while i look at her & wonder what was wrong*
When dar dar finally get my wits back, she finally reply saying that there's hermit crab
inside the shells!!! Eww~

Hermit crab inside the shell.

Green colour shell.

A small transparent baby crab, but i think it's dead.

This picture taken by me. I suddenly thinking of artistic pic, i place them nicely and just take a shot.
Shells tt's safe to collect ^-^
See the full sea shell over there? It was so complete & pretty till
i tot it wasnt real *he believe its man-made & being throw into
the sea de* but she believe its real.
We brought it back to our room, putting it into 100 degrees water
to force it to open, but it didnt move at all. Not able to keep let me
torture it anymore. Dar dar put it away from sight in her luggage.
When back at home, she put it away in her precious box of collection,
few days later, her room had a fishy smell. Open my box, saw the
shell was open & greeny stuff was in the plastic bag she put it in. It
seems to be dissolve already.. Aish~ It was disgusting..Eeek`

Loves the cloudes there*Raining coming*

Nicest view of the beach,butit's better not to swim around this area,because there's alots of stones & rock everywhere,easy kana scatch.

Dar dar with nice background.

The wave hated me,just afew second after dar dar took this picture,i kana hit by the wave to my kneel level. :p

Our cool picture at the baech.

We lay on the shelter that people always do message-service.

Things we ate for every breakfast everyday,of cause there's other things we eat. Our last breakfast on the last day.

This fruit actually looks like mango,but when dar dar peel it open.. Eeww~~!

My dar dar did tried this,but don't what is it.. But doesnt taste sweet,sour or bitter, it's just indescribable.

While waiting for our bus to go ferry terminal....

On the way back to ferry terminal....(Going back to Singapore le)
Labels: Vacation