My kiity Lynn wana buy me 2 things for my christmas & new year presents for me today. Actually she wana buy more than 2 things, but i don't allow,because too many things le,i will heartpain de laopo... I will apprecaite everything u bought for me de!!! Of course everythings u did for me too!

Dar dar loves those butterfilies,i kana her influence,then we took a shot,hehe...

We ate our lunch @ Central's LJS.

Took my own picture of myself *vain* keke~

I ask my dar dar to take my side-view. Look nicer than front-view,kaka~

My kitty Lynn love the rodes designed-wall.so we take a shot,hehe~

Actually dar wana buy other design of slipper,but too expensive liao le. Then i chosen a cheaper & nicer slipper---->$29.90

Dar bought this @ Central's Fresh Box shop----->$39.90
My princess love to see me wearing this pants. I olso like this pants,cute cute de...